Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Bigfoot Evidence - My Favorite Bigfoot Site

Since I stopped blogging I don't really keep up with the paranormal world, I do however have a few go to sources for my otherworldly fix and I thought as part of my re-entry into blogging about the paranormal I'd share some of the branches I still have a hold of.

I thought for this post I'd share my favorite source for my favorite subject... Bigfoot, the sites called Bigfoot Evidence and the dedication, the quality and the frequency of posts over there have virtually made it the only place I go to for Bigfoot news.

I urge anyone with the slightest interest in Bigfoot to check them out, they won't disappoint.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Bigfoot Illustration

Blue Bigfoot
Bigfoot Illustration.

Bigfoot illustration I did in Photoshop.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Frustrations Of The Paranormal And My Return To Blogging

Hi, if this is your first time here then welcome, if you've been around these parts before, howdy, it's been quite awhile hasn't it?

I think the reason I stopped blogging was out of frustration, I felt confined by my lack of knowledge on certain subjects and I didn't like what I was starting to realize about exploring the paranormal. I figured I needed a break, time to expand upon my understanding of things, I just hadn't planned on it being for so long.

I'm not sure I could have learned what I have these past three or so years if I had continued blogging, my concern for how I would present things on the blog was quite a hindrance for me, and it just felt great learning for the sake of learning.

I'm over my frustrations now and I think I'm in a position to start blogging again, I think I'm going to take things slow, but we'll see how it goes.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Joe Rogan - The American War Machine

Rants and raves by Joe Rogan about The American War Machine, beautifully edited by Youtube user TheParadigmShift, who incidentally has loads more videos covering similar subjects.

I'm a huge fan of Joe Rogan and his podcast, he covers a lot of subjects and has some great guests on that I think most people interested in the paranormal would enjoy. I'm never left wanting for new and interesting subjects to explore after listening to his podcast, I highly recommend it.

On another note, I feel that it's highly likely that I'll be blogging on a regular basis again, so please stick around, bare with me as I try to catch up with all the paranormal goings on I've missed over the years and well... get ready for some posts.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

From Wordpress To Blogger

Wow, it's been awhile, years even, hello!

I thought I'd do an update just in case anyone's out there, I recently moved Paranormal Activities from Wordpress to Blogger. The move was fairly hassle free once I figured out the process, the only downside is I couldn't keep the URL structure I had over on Wordpress and I imagine a lot of people are arriving at empty pages.

I would like to start blogging about the paranormal again, not sure if I will, but I want to and I've kind of got the blogging bug again, so who knows.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Top 10 Bigfoot Videos

Been awhile aye, if anybodies still out there. This video is not mine, it does show some of the more famous Sas footage, though it seems to be geared more towards the anticipation of a new piece of footage.

Onto some blog news, at the moment I've just worked out a way to speed up the posting process, though it doesn't mean I'll be back to posting. It used to take me a minimum of 20 minutes just to get the settings straight for a post, partly the reason I stopped blogging here, it was tedious work. I've quietly been getting things in order and now there's no post setup at all, so who knows I could get inspired to start again, though I'm no far removed from the paranormal world it seems like a daunting task to get going again.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Paranormal Activities may be no more in a couple weeks

It's been a long time since I've regularly posted here on Paranormal Activities, the main reasons for this is I lost the passion and action to keep blogging about the paranormal. I had no shortage of vision for where I wanted to go, but without the passion and action nothing was going to ever get done.

Now it's that time of year where I need to renew my hosting and I'm disappointed to say that I just can't afford to renew it, so I'm going to let this incarnation of Paranormal Activities go.

Where to from here, well I'm in the process of moving all posts from Wordpress over to good old blogger, minus all the great comments everyone has made, which is a shame, I couldn't find a way to move comments as well as posts. When that's done and my hosting runs out, I'm hoping to move the paranormalactivities.net domain over to blogger as well, so Paranormal Activities should still be alive, just not in the form you see now.

If the site goes down in the meantime I will be keeping everyone updated over at My Paranormal Life.

Thanks everyone for the support over the years, maybe one day I'll get the bug back, but hey, there really isn't a shortage of great paranormal bloggers out there to keep y'all satisfied.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

A Word About the Paranormal Activity Movie

I've still been keeping track of stats for this site in my absence and awhile back there was quite a huge jump in traffic, this was due to increased interest in a movie known as Paranormal Activity, this site and the movie are not related in any way apart from the similarities in title.

Was quite interesting receiving comments and messages from people thinking this was the movies website, it seemed they took the first result they stumbled upon and assumed or accepted without question that they must be where they were looking for, it's gotta say something about the nature of the internet.

Well, the movies OK, but I found it quite frustrating, they have paranormal shit happening to them, they have evidence to deny any doubts they may be having, why didn't they go to a church or something, would have been more proactive than what they did.