Thursday, July 31, 2008

Return of the Ghostbusters - The Lost Marks

Shingles man, this has been in my bookmarks for who knows how long, I've almost deleted it many times but the idea of watching a new Ghostbusters movie was to much to pass up, though it's not actually a proper Ghostbusters movie, it's a fan movie, but don't let that worry you it's actually pretty good.

It's a feature length movie by the name of Return of the Ghostbusters and it kind of reminds me of a Troma film, it's full of cheesy moments, acting, dialogue, though none of it's bad. The story revolves around the Denver chapter of the Ghostbusters where they have to stop an archaeologist from using an artifact known as the Amulet of Anubis to open a portal to the other side.

Funky story and they really pulled it off, especially for an entirely volunteer affair.

The only disappointing thing for me is that after watching this one I figured out it was part two, the first one being Freddy VS Ghostbusters, dang there goes another bookmark back into my browsers sidebar.

P.S. you don't have to stream it you can download both fan movies over at theirs.


  1. [...] - Return of the Ghostbusters - The Lost Marks saved by [...]

  2. [...] Sony to publish Ghostbusters as PS3 exclusive? Saved by legendofmana14 on Fri 20-3-2009 Return of the Ghostbusters - The Lost Marks Saved by flinthamm on Thu 12-3-2009 Activision Blizzard: Ghostbusters, Brutal Legend, and other [...]


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