Saturday, August 2, 2008

Jack Nicholson's Hydrogen Fueled Car from 1978

Man, how lazy is this world, even in 1978 Jack Nicholson had a Hydrogen fueled car, though I wouldn't want that much hydrogen in the boot.

Though I have learned a few things while checking the above sentence for facts, well not really. My belief until just now was that a hydrogen powered car would be completely pollution free, that they would just result in puddles on the road, but after a little research I found that it wasn't as clear cut as that.

So there's a couple ways you can go about producing hydrogen, one is toxic and the others a lot more friendly, though I get the feeling that people, big wigs or whatever feel they need to produce it in bulk to sell onto the consumer, but like that recent water power system from Genepax demonstrates, we can produce it on the go as long as we have a bottle of water handy, we can cut out the middle man and the need for bulk production of hydrogen. Sounds good to me, now just hurry up.

As an aside, I briefly read that water vapor is a major contributor to the greenhouse effect (this is what a hydrogen fueled car would emit), though they're clouds and there's not much we can do about that, my question is would a world full of hydro cars contribute to the greenhouse effect or is there something I'm missing?


  1. Yes it is true that you can completely run a car on water and even produce enough gas to continually keep driving. Every inventor of this has met an untimely end due to the oily-industial military complex ( sorry ike ). Right now the government has plans to run hydrogen cars and they have them at disney land in florida etc. However, the pollution comes into play when you add normal air to the hydrogen mix which produces nitrous oxides ( a pollutant ). Actual water vapour exhaust will not add to pollution as we have cut down far to many forests that held water in the first place. It will create more vegetation in the world if anything.

  2. Good to know, I'm just beginning to get a handle on this stuff, the major obstacles that I find is that the info on the net seems to be geared towards the interests of those writing them, there seems to be many conflicting ideas.

    Though I don't think it will be long before a solution is found. I like the way the world is headed, entertainment and communications the most, cell phones for example, won't be long before they're so good and do everything we need that we won't need to invest in another years after purchase.

    Another area is video games, movies, music etc, it's all moving in the direction of digital distribution, removing the need for hard copies and packaging and seeing how much of this world loves their entertainment, it's a huge saving on resources.

    The way I see it, if the mood takes us, we'll all own a TV, a media box and a phone, in essence eliminating the need for a computer and monitor, an mp3 player, a cell phone, a games machine, a camera, dvd player, cds, dvds and packaging, the list goes on. Companies won't like it, but just take a look at Apples Iphone, they keep people hooked with ongoing maintenance.

    Well, I'm rambling now, cheers for the info Super.



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