Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Bicyclist Assaulted by NYPD - I Blame Terrorism

*The video below will likely have nothing to do with terrorism or terrorists, but these are great blanket terms, seems like these days you can label anything an act of terrorism or a terrorist. So that's what I Blame terrorism is for, I see a lot of videos that piss me off and before this brain fart I never felt I had a platform to share them, now I do and do you know why? I Blame Terrorism.

The video below pissed me off pretty good and if I'm to believe this article about the incident, the bicyclist has been charged with attempted assault, I can't see why that is, the cop jumped in front of traffic.

It seems to me lately to be an increased amount of police bad behavior caught on video. You've got to remember cops are people just like everybody else, they have the same fears, the only difference is they're called to face it a lot more. It's a hell of a lot of pressure to carry around and I'm not surprised some of them crack. Could it be that the increased fear of terrorism is to blame, it's like a boogeyman held over everyones head.

Anyway this is just a rant that probably makes no sense, I just wish I was a better writer, then I could get all that's in my head out in a nice orderly fashion.

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