Monday, May 11, 2009

About Fellow Kiwi Leigh Hart and That Bigfoot Conference

Kiwi, Leigh Hart "That Guy" recently wrote an article about his experience at a recent Bigfoot conference held in Ohio. The article pretty much took the mickey out of Bigfoot Researchers and has left quite a few people unimpressed with his antics.

Cryptomundo received an apology from That Guy, but it really didn't roll with That Guys original article.

If your in the know as most of us Kiwis are, you'll find that you really can't take Leigh Hart all that seriously, I mean the guy covered the Beijing Olympics for a New Zealand T.V show from L.A.

But if your not in the know I'd imagine an encounter with That Guy would be much like an encounter with Borat, an odd experience, leaving those interviewed wondering wtfs going on and nodding politely.

I'm not making any excuses for my fellow Kiwi, I understand the feeling of being made fun of and how it feels being deceived, but surely he's transparent enough for most people to know he's pulling their leg, he's just quite bold with it.

With that in mind the next few videos illustrate what most of us Kiwis get from That Guy most of the time.

Watch Out: That Guy On NoCal Bigfoot
Kiwi Bigfoot Guy: Gender Bender Vendor?

Speed Cooking

MoonTv Bigfoot
If any footage from the Bigfoot Conference ever surfaces, I'd say it would be presented much like this. I'll keep y'all posted if any footage is ever made public.

Wild Food Festival

Ball Game San Fran


  1. That guy is a douch bag.

  2. Hi,
    Nice videos!
    Matt Kolorowanki,

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