Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Chase Burns UFO Videos

Skunkeen has posted on the forums a link to a Hgh-Def version of a UFO video taken by a chap named Chase Burns.

I saw a low quality version of this clip awhile ago, but the original sound had been replaced with audio of Chase burns talking about what he had captured.

It's a very nice UFO video and it's nice to see it in a kind of HD on youtube, the video shows a circle of lights that appear to be rotating at times as well as another single blue light quite a distance away from the circle of lights.

Video with Chase Burns describing the event.


  1. Hey I was just thinking about UFO the other day, and wondering if people still believe in UFOs, I guess they do, lol. Anna :)

  2. This is a great paranormal site that you have here. I have a paranormal site as well. You can check it out by clicking on my name. We should exchange links. Let me know. Jason

  3. That looks really real!

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  4. Very interesting video and wonderful article Rand.

  5. If it's a UFO it doesn't seem to be doing very much. Just hovering a bit too long for my liking. Other films I've seen of them of them show them moving at terrific speed and shooting off in all directions.

  6. Hello guys! very nice forum :) I like this site )

  7. come on you can tell thats fake

  8. U.S urmy = chupacabra in south america - puerto rico

  9. interesting video, there are alot of good ones on Youtube

  10. If it’s a UFO it doesn’t seem to be doing very much.

  11. This is mind expanding Ufo video footage.I would love to do a remote viewing session on UFO activity. What do you think?
    psychic reading


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