Tuesday, December 16, 2008

UFO Video from Southern France

Here's some UFO footage from Southern France uploaded to disclosetv about a month ago, it shows about half a dozen lights, the video is pretty long and it isn't to dissimilar to the UFO video from Santiago, Chile that I posted about yesterday, though it does a few interesting things towards the end.

Somethings striking me as I take my time getting back into blogging, there seems to be a load more multiple light and triangle UFO videos floating about, a sign of better times to come, hope so I was getting board of single lights.

Very Bizzare UFO Southern France 16-11-08


  1. With so many vid cameras out there, I really want to see multiple shots/angles of the same event some time.

  2. Howdy GL, long time no see. I feel the same way, it's all getting a bit repetitive, lights in the sky, one source, it really isn't enough to go on.

  3. Thanks for the great comment Solomon, great analogy with the dog. A dog following the dot of a laser pointer, sure it knows not where it comes from but the explanation is very simple. Very exciting experience you had there, if it were me I would have gone further, it would have been fun, just the way I'm wired. I understand your last thoughts, when I was in high school I couldn't for the life of me understand why everyone was on a rush path to find what they were going to do for the rest of their lives, they seemed forced into subjects, science, math, english etc, sure they're great foundation builders, but to base the rest of your life on them... ah I don't know.

    Anyway thanks very much Solomon, I really enjoyed what you had to say.


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