Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Ghost of a boy caught on video

This footage by my best guess comes from Mexico and from the Tijuana based paranormal investigators Grupo Paranormal.

The video is pretty long as there's a lot of discussion going on and it ain't in English, but you can find it summarized by Javier Ortega over at Ghost Theory. The actual footage of the boy ghost is pretty short, but it is interesting and I'm not able to shrug it off as some kind of reflection, though that light and the night vision is a little worrying. It shows what looks like a boy peaking from behind television set.

You'll also find the intriguing back story at Ghost Theory.


  1. This just seems really coincidental, they happened to have the camers placed right with the TV in the center, and they were all there at that moment, you can see the shadow on the other wall behind the TV before the "boy" peaks out - Don't Buy IT!

  2. Everything is as it should but I still do not reach your hands to write something else.


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