Monday, December 15, 2008

Amazing UFO Video from Santiago, Chile

Here's quite an amazing looking UFO video coming by way of Santiago, Chile. All info points to it being filmed just a few days ago. What it shows is multiple lights and at times they appear to form triangles.

All news Web mentions that "The Chilean Air force has issued a statement that the lights were an air force display corresponding to the graduation of trainee pilots...", mystery solved?

Just wish whoever put it online didn't use that dang X-Files music, then again I wouldn't have anything to post about.


  1. That was pretty cool - air force display? Not sure I buy that.
    LOL@ x-files music!

  2. [...] shows about half a dozen lights, the video is pretty long and it isn’t to dissimilar to the UFO video from Santiago, Chile that I posted about yesterday, though it does a few interesting things towards the [...]


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