Monday, September 8, 2008

In It's Image, About A.I and Immortality

Gotta post this one, it was long and I watched it. The video below is from an organization called In Its Image and is headed by a guy named Steve Thaler, their research is in the field of artificial intelligence and possible immortality through the use of machines.

Their A.I research talked about in the video seems plausible enough and there's hints that there are inventions out there in the world already created by their research, but they're not allowed to say what they are... don't you just hate that.

Though I can't help feel that the video is for promotional purposes and is filled with ideology. Still interesting if your into the whole future robot overlords thing.


  1. [...] - In It’s Image, About AI and Immortality saved by winxgirl72008-10-16 - Unreliable Records saved by mowjak2008-10-12 - “Thine Is the [...]

  2. Regarding all the generated patents, see or "The Genie in the Machine" by Robert Plotkin. Seek and you shall find...


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