Wednesday, July 2, 2008

We still drink tap water in New Zealand

Well wellington as far as I can say, though I can't say I've heard to many tap water dramas from the rest of the country, if there was, I'm sure it would have been on our national news.

The reason I say this is because I just stumbled across a blog called 365 Days Of Trash by Sustainable Dave, Sustainable Dave is saving his trash for a year and is half way through his mission. I found the idea pretty interesting and watched the video in his latest post and was pretty confused that when he tells people that he still drinks tap water "they're blown away by that." What I'm blown away by is that people will use bottled water as their main water source.

Don't get me wrong bottled water is big down here, but say ten years ago buying water would have been laughable. These days however, you buy a bottle of water before work, at lunch, on the way home from where ever and then there's a nice bottle of water waiting for ya at home.

It's ridiculous, though I am sipping on a water bottle right now, only thing is I've had it for 2 weeks and it's full of tap water.

I know water sources can't be the same across the globe, but where ever I have gone in New Zealand, tap water has been nothing but great.


  1. Right on and thanks for posting the link. Pretty amazing to me as well that people still fall for this. Waste of money, waste of resources, and waste of the planet. Careful with your bottle by the way. Those things are meant for single use (sadly) and the bacteria can lead to breakdown. Grab yourself a Sigg, Kleen Kanteen, Ecousable, or some other non plastic bottle and you'll be stylin!

    Great blog and thanks for linking.


  2. No probs Dave, great mission for sure, I'm very surprised at how little trash you have in your collection. I've known about plastic breakdown for quite awhile it's just that I feel guilty throwing away the plastic after one use, there used to be quite a few drinking fountains around town in the past, but they're practically no where to be seen now days.

    I'm of the thought that Earth will do fine without us, though if we want to stay around a lot longer and actually enjoy it we should be taking a lot more care of it.

    Cheers Dave.

  3. Oh how I wish I could drink tap water. I guess I totally could at work, but it doesn't taste very good and I will only sip it. We have those jugs delivered, so I drink that. At home though, our water is brown. The pipes in my older apartment is kind of slimy tasting and what comes out of the faucet will at first be brown every now and then. The pipes I guess? No WAY I am drinking that. I have always kept a hefty supply of water in bottles and jugs on hand. If I am parched and out of water... I'll go to the store before I will take one sip of what comes out of my apartment faucet. My neighbors try to use a brita and they say that is still a bit concerning. I won't even go there.

  4. I guess that down here we're still a pretty young country, pipes still seem good. I've never been over seas and can't really comment on tap water around the world, but here in NZ in all my life I haven't ever encountered dirty tap water.

    Every thing is probably on a smaller scale down here and as a result probably gets fixed and spotted sooner.

    Cheers for the comment, nice blog by the way.

  5. new zealand online newsl drink tap water in New Zealand |

  6. I have always drank tap water. Some of it was bad but I also believe that drinking bottled water does not help your immune system and im sure studies will tell me OMG dont drink tap water. But I have seen people who drink bottled water be brought to their knees with a glass of tap water and they also get sick more often than I would. Granted the fridge has a water and ice despenser and yes again studies will tell you thats probably even bad for you but im not going to buy into the idea that bottled water is the way to go.

    Thanks Dave
    People like you are waking up everyday and seeing what is happening and are doing their part.

  7. It's like the age old coffee debate, one year it's good for you, the next it isn't, surely those studies are a waste of time and money especially by now.

    Spicey food tears me a new one, but it's still food and we all need that, I guess it's just a matter of what sources our bodies are used to.

    Cheers Orie.


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