Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Imam Mahdi Captured on Video

I'm just going to through this one out there. The video was shot in Iraq while a ceremony was going on and shows what looks like a dancing light, full figured.

I don't even know if the title of this post is correct, researching the words got me all kinds of confused.


  1. I am not sure what to make of this video- strange. I have never seen anything like it. Trying to figure out a rational explanation....hmmmm

    What do you make of it? All the best, Aura

  2. you can make out a pair of pants and a black belt on the light figure, the dancing light is along the same color as some of the spotlights in the background. I think one is being shined onto the fella very near and it is too bright for the camera. 28 sec there is another fella to the left bright in the light from the light pole above the same.
    Oh and I found out also their music sucks too!

  3. Hiya guys, I was thinking along similar lines as Skunk, that was the first impression I got and I almost didn't post about the clip because of that. It just seems harder and harder these days to find anything substantial, that or I'm getting more skeptical.

    Well take care you two, hope you're doing well on your end Aura.

  4. I suspect that if a being of light really were dancing with the dudes, the guy would spend less time filming the regular humans and more time aiming the camera at luminous man. And the folk nearby luminous dude would be somewhat less calm and collected. But then, if luminous dancing fellers are common place over there, maybe Imam Mahdi would be one of them and go unnoticed.

  5. That's the thing in this world, we think we are all in tune with each other, but hey the old world is still pretty prominent and I feel it's a lot closer to what's really going on.

    The world I'm living in is full of Ipods and what not and it's no where near as natural as thousands of years of figuring out how to start a fire with twigs.

    Our illusions are just to prominent, take away the star bucks and we may just not know what to do, then again, faced with survival our instincts will come into play, survival.

    EDIT: Again, what was I drinking.


  7. That is definitely the Imam Mahdi dancing with the group (though the music is indeed terrible).

    The Mahdi will emerge openly into the world soon, hopefully before the end of the year. The world is in a desperate situation now and needs him badly.

  8. This is another sign among many that have been witnessed recently. Our physical reality is not the Source of creation. If it is indeed 'what is inside' that counts, then what exactly is it that is inside? Go to that source, or rather come back to that source and find out what Time and Illusion have buried.

  9. Blurry pictures of fluorescent figures does not a messiah make.

    Grow some critical faculties and stop smokin' weed you silly sons of credulousness!

  10. When Imam Mehdi appears, he will not be luminous. He is an ordinary human.

  11. Come on , he is in a spot light or under a street light of some sort , camera is not the best quality , case closed.....

  12. the mahdi will be normal man from the family of Fatima and Iman Ali and this family established their capital in egypt so many possibilities that this man will be a normal one from egypt or north african countries as an extension of the fatimic family to north africa then this man will go to mecca and at time when he reached the place between Alrukn and Maqam it will be declared that he is the mahdi so he will not be from shiia at all and not like they say that he is the 12th Imam of shiietes...

  13. I think Imam Mahdi is more grandiouse then this, He will not come out dancing to the beat of drums I can assure you. He is here waiting for the Muslims to behave like muslims and then he might just be commanded by ALLAH to appear to all of us.

  14. they are not dancing, they are mourning the martyrdom of Imam Mahdi's grandfather Imam Hussain (as)- who was deprived of water and brutally killed along with his family and 6 month old baby on the plains of Karbala around 1400 years ago. The battle was one of religious and political issues. It is still commemmorated to this day.

    People say they couldn't see any light (around the man) until they viewed the video later on, through the camera. So the man looked like any ordinary man in real life.

    Its still not very believable in my opinion, that this is the Mahdi [atfs]

  15. 'mojeza' means ''miracle'' in Arabic btw.

  16. It is a Jinn, something most call REPTILIANS or SHAPESHIFTERS. You can see all about this creation of Allah on my website.

  17. People please do research before you all make fools of yourselves. It will be very clear when Imam Mahdi is here, he will come with such power that ALL types of technologies will not be able to function properly because of the power he contains, he will speak with a slight stutter but will be so irritated with this that it will cause him to bang his fists on his thigh. his forehead will be broad and his nose high, fair in complexion, tall and he will be forty years of age.


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