Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Croxteth Hall Ghost Video

This ghost video was taken on the grounds of Croxteth Hall, Britain by CCTV, it shows a fuzzy figure that appears to be walking the grounds.

This video seems very similar in setup and appearance to the gas station ghost video and the gym ghost video, though it really is a lot more impressive.

There seems to be a trend when it comes to ghost videos making the mainstream media, they have to be from a security camera of some sort, the ghost has to appear blurry and there can't be any eyewitnesses.


  1. a piece of falling confetti blured from the light? same color as the background on the top right

  2. Yea, seen some far better ghost videos than these, just seems like mainstream has a thing for this kind of set-up.

  3. ummm....Doesnt look too real....i dont knowwwwww...ive seen better and scarier...


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