Wednesday, March 25, 2009

UK UFO Files Release for March 2009

The UK government have released a third batch of UFO files which can be viewed over at the UK National Archives website.

I took a look at the smallest file and it's a couple hundred pages long, so I don't think I'll be spending to much time browsing through the files, got enough on my plate. I'm sure the juicy stories will get weeded out, if not already.

Below is a video from the National Archive highlighting some of the images and stories contained in the March 2009 UFO files.

On another note, I know most of you aren't to interested in UFO stories, it shows in the stats, so I'll be concentrating more on finding some creepy ghost videos for ya, though I do still have a hefty back log of UFO videos.

1 comment:

  1. if there is life on this planet, then wouldnt there be life on every planet that was at the right distance from its sun, that ice can turn in to water and sustaind for a long period of time. if the milky way is made of the same stuff with billions of stars, i thing we are not alone (even if its only ten planets) , i dont know if other life is flying around and trying to take us over cos there is so much bullshit on the internet its hard to belive anything, but you got to be realy stupid to think that there are not other ecosystems out there that 'life' lives on wather it be bactira, or advanced aliens. one day i think we will be the aliens probing other planets and stealing there live stock (cow's lol). i think the uk is smart by putting out its 'ufo' reserch and information (cos if i was a high up official and ppl where saying they seen some trippy shit in the sky i would think the russians or usa or even germany was up to somthing ) and then charging to read it by doing this who ever owns the rights to this would be making a killing $$$ ps sorry about the spelling mistakes :)


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