Pretty cool camera tricks to, if that's what they are. It looks like most of the ghost portion of the video was shot by a stationary camera, but the camera zooms in, which would make the simple transparency trick a whole lot harder, but it looks to me that the zoom may have been achieved with software. You just use the software to pan, zoom, crop around the stationary footage which makes it look like the camera is doing all that stuff. Well I hope that's what has been done in this video, otherwise I'll just sound like a dick.
If anything I've realized a editing trick I hadn't thought of before.
Here's the best translation of the video description I could muster.
Italian tourist is to look at the fortress in the town of Livorno recorded the spirit of Beatrice. Dekle je tragično umrlo na dan svoje poroke, skoraj tisoč let od tega. The girl was tragically killed on the day of their marriage, almost a thousand years from that. Je posnetek res pristen? The recording is really genuine?
I love when they post videos like this. Clearly not real but makes you shake in your boots a little. Thanks for the link!
ReplyDeleteSince when do ghosts cause shadows?
ReplyDeleteHard to believe this kind of things, but after you see a video like that you begin to believe. Scary.