Monday, October 27, 2008

Nuclear Power Plant UFO from Slovenia

From the Youtube description (which is a long one for a change) this video was recorded with a cell phone near the Krško Nuclear power plant in Slovenia by one of its employees. Seems to be a lot of U.F.Os coming out of Slovenia these days and it seems a lot of the stories/videos are trying to tie in with the October 14th thing.

There's some nice tricks in this video, I'm sure it's computer generated. It matches the lighting effects the cars are doing naturally, it illuminates the sky, but judging by its movement the object seems to be only yards away, I'd think it should illuminate the immediate area more the the clouds miles away.

Anyway the videos seems to be getting some major attention, maybe I'm missing something but usually when a video like this surfaces it gets shot down pretty quickly, from what I've been reading people seem to think it's genuine.


More UFO videos from Slovenia: Slovenia UFO Video


  1. Like he has some laser pointer on his windshield,.. it moves with the car not the horizon.


  2. Hi, I'm from Brežice, Slovenia, a few miles from Krško. I also saw this thing on friday morning like many people in my town, it is maybe a few meters long and it looks like pure energy, i can't really describe that. The thing is very fast, it moves chaotically and i think it is some higher intelligence. The video is not a fake, we saw that thing a few meters away so it must be near the cars in that video.

  3. This video certainly looks fake to me, but there are so many people from Slovenia with stories around these dates to ignore what's going on, maybe I should put a little more research into what's been going on.

  4. Rand, there's really something strange in Slovenia. Check google for NLP Slovenija or NLO Slovenija and you will get thousands of pages in Slovenian, Croatian, Serbian etc. newspapers about 14th Oct. UFO in Slovenia, big ones like Politika, HTV, Blic, 24sata etc. (NLO and NLP means UFO)

  5. [...] Another video coming out of Slovenia: Nuclear Power Plant UFO from Slovenia [...]


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