McKinnon is facing extradition from the U.K to the states to face charges of hacking into military and NASA computers, he claims he was searching for proof of hidden tech and aliens. The U.S claims he caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in damage, my feeling though, they got caught with their pants down, used that money to at least password protect their machines, in my eyes McKinnon actually did them a favor by pointing their laziness out.
I mean a part from snooping around, what damage did he actually do, I haven't been able to find any specifics, then again, if he ever does face those charges more info will probably surface.
It's gone on a little to long I feel, I say get a move on or leave him along, it seems to be more about making an example of him instead of the seriousness of his actions, which don't seem that bad at all, community service and life away from computers seems like a fitting punishment to me.
I'm just about to watch the interview below, so I can't talk about what it's like, looks interesting though.
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