Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Jail Ghost Face Video

Now this is a good one, I've watched about 100 youtube videos tonight and I wasn't expecting to find anything spooky. Found a few docos, a few things for Halloween, not much else, but this has got me excited, it's either really well done or a very convincing ghost video.

The description pretty much reads like any other, you know "me and a few friends... we had a camera... this is not staged" etc. Could very well be staged, but it's dang freaky. The videos shows a young fella talking into the camera and walking past a couple jail cell doors with windows, lucky they did the double take or I would have missed it.

Check it out and let me know what you think, ghost or not?


  1. I must be nuts because I don't see anything in that window...

  2. Nevermind, I sorta see it but it looks so much like one of the holograms in the Haunted Mansion ride at Disneyland that it's either totally fake or it's just a distorted reflection of the light on the camera in the glass of the window.

  3. Yea, it could be a case of pareidolia, could be just a dude on the other side of the door. Need to have a search for those holograms you mentioned, I got that impression when I first saw the face.

  4. cant make it out at all or see anything spooky

  5. Oh man I can't believe you can't see it,. I'd say the face looks like an older bold man with a slight lean with their head, they've even got a shinney nose. If you see it it's quite realistic,

  6. the jail house ghost face was pretty good. but at least 3 of the other videos were not fakes but jokes instead. cant believe you would post jokes beside real clips

  7. What other videos Eddie, do you mean previous blog posts? I'm afraid it's pretty slim pickings out there really, can't always find things that are authentic, but I'm sure everyone can tell the difference.

  8. this is completely legitimate. can't believe i've not seen this before.

  9. If you read the information on the youtube pages he states the doors were locked... so the theory that its someone on the other side of the door (granted hes telling the truth) is busted....


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