Wednesday, October 15, 2008

I'm back and there's no sign of Elvis

Wow, it's been awhile since my last post, to long. I've just had a bad run of health, a cold and a stomach bug, left me feeling body dead and I just couldn't take sitting at the computer, feeling fine now and ready to go.

I'll briefly mention the Galactic Federation of Light's Announcement of first Contact on October 14, a few people contacted me abut this but in not so direct ways, it was like I was missing the punchline of some inside joke. I figured it out eventually by coming across the video and I just thought to myself "dang they're chatty", well the dates have come and gone with no signs of Elvis.


  1. welcome back
    ive read a few topics on that, and rumored bloomflower or whatever her name is.. she sold some books before the 14th on the aliens visiting us and she now has her website closed off to every one but to her readers only. yet I think half of them that bought her books may have worse to say to her then some wild outsiders. there is alot of attacks on her and sadly more so then the turds that did the bigfoot hoax. there sure is a big outcry for attention nowadays.

  2. I came to late to the party on this one, once I knew I didn't really think much of it, if it happened it happened, if it didn't, well it's not to good for those involved.


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