Thursday, October 30, 2008

Fort Delaware Ghost Video

This footage from the Ghost Hunter team has just been added to CNN's website, not sure why, maybe it's advertising it.

I'm actually quite confused why CNN has just put it up, I'm sure it's from an episode that aired months ago, Aura from Encounters with the Unexplained has a nice write up about the location this video was shot, Pea Patch Island, Delaware, Fort Delaware.

If what's in this video isn't a person then what is it?

Here's the link if the video above doesn't work.

EDIT: Maybe the video will work, maybe it won't, why can't these massive corps get there embeds working right.


  1. [...] unknown wrote an interesting post today onFort Delaware Ghost Video | paranormalactivities.netHere’s a quick excerptThis footage from the Ghost Hunter team has just been added to CNN’s website, not sure why, maybe it’s advertising it. I’m actually quite confused why CNN. [...]

  2. I think CNN is just going with the Halloween season flow so people would relate to their news report. Those are not new to most news tv programs.

  3. True there Psychic, just thought there might have been more to it.

  4. Thanks for the mention Rand. I just posted a link to your video. Definitely a person. Question is living or dead??? Creepy

  5. Odd. You'd think that CNN would have newer footage from the show.

  6. No probs Aura. I'm not really in tune with what the Ghost Hunters are to, should really catch up with what's up.

  7. Those are not new to most news tv programs.

  8. Wow. I believe in ghost but to have "proof," I am even more convinced.


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