Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ghost Train Video

An oldie but a goody. I posted about this video on My Paranormal Life ages ago, but that version wasn't that great, this one however gives us multiple slowed down examples, though the sounds been stripped.

Still don't know if it looks like a ghost train to me, but it is an odd video for sure.


  1. It's weird for sure. Without even thinking about the veracity of the vid, does it look like a 100-year-old train? Not to me, but then again, it barely even looks like a train.

  2. I'm sure I saw a webpage a few days ago talking about how it's fake, but I can't seem to find the page again, from what I remember it seemed pretty in depth.

    The only reason I can see for identifying this as a ghost train are the circumstances, supposedly it was shot by old train tracks and its forward motion, other than that it looks like a cluster of orbs and mist to me.

  3. Right, doesn't look like a train at all. Kinda looks like superimposed footage of someone riding a bike (headlight and handlebars somewhat visible at 0:14). Neat effect.


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