Sunday, August 10, 2008

Thinking about making a Magnetic Motor

So I'm thinking about maybe building a magnetic motor, I've been watching loads of youtube videos on the subject and through them it's plain to see what they do.

Here's a couple magnetic motor videos for ya.

The gadget looks simple enough to make, the only problem I'm facing is I don't really understand what the hell it's for. The info I've been reading online seems to go in all kinds of directions as to how it works, what it does etc.

Right now what I think it would be used for is not to different from that of a wind turbine, the blades spin (or a wheel of magnets in this case) which spin the shaft of a generator which generates electricity. Some of what I've read points to the magnets generating the energy.

Not sure what's up, I guess I have more reading to do.


  1. The device shown does not have much torque and if you try to load it with a mechanical load it will get out of synch. Without a mechanical load it has been claimed to run for about 8 hours before needing another spin to get it going again. It is apparently incredibly sensitive to synch. At present this isn't much more then a toy. Although I'm considering to build something similar myself.

  2. Hi SethEden, I'm still thinking about making one, but I want to buy some of those Neodymium magnets. I saw a clip in a doco awhile ago about some Nasa dude, he forced two strong magnets together, bound them in something heavy and had another object of equal weight without magnets in it. He dropped both from a height and the one with magnets fell slower than the other object, would be neat to try out, but for the life of me I can't remember the details.

    Also want to try out that floating coil thing as well.




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