Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The Future of Evidence in a Mysterious World

The ultimate goal for anyone with a prolonged passion for investigating the paranormal, the unexplainable and mysterious is to one day hold forth the evidence that proves that passion, otherwise it's just another religion.

Got nothing against religion, but my dad once told me "whatever you believe in will be true" and I feel that's true of anyone with faith no matter what belief it is, it will be true.

I had high hopes for the Georgia Bigfoot, it would have been world shattering evidence, may have even changed belief systems, hell the crypto world would have been seen in a better light and that may have bled into other areas of the mysterious. It still seemed to make people stand up and take notice, crap about the outcome though.

As it stands, a Bigfoot body will still be the ultimate evidence, so would an alien craft crashed into some inner city environment. The ultimate evidence is something that can be held, passed around, studied and isn't gone in the blink of an eye.

Hard evidence aside, what about photos and video? In my time blogging about the paranormal I can count on one hand the videos and photos that are remarkable and I think are totally genuine, not a lot out of 600 odd blog posts is it. Vids and pics keep things moving and interesting but the amount of fakes out there is becoming a little overwhelming and it's only going to get harder.

I don't deal with photos a lot on my blogs as you may have noticed, mostly due to copyright issues (if they came with embed codes I'd post a lot more) and partly because they're so easy to fake, videos on the other hand had been a lot harder to fake and there wasn't much use for faking them. With the Internet in its video age, software becoming easier and cheaper to use, it's pretty much a matter of if one has time on their hands and a hunger for attention, the result being that video fakes are a dime a dozen and it's to much to investigate.

Just take a look of some cutting edge software headed our way.

Check out what this software dubbed the Photoshop of video can do, "Photoshop of video" that's a frightening concept.

Using Photographs to Enhance Videos of a Static Scene from pro on Vimeo.

And here we have Emily, don't worry she's only totally computer generated.

Frightening isn't it, just imagine what our governments and media could do with those, well, that's if they don't already have these capabilities.

What about stories and experiences they can be investigated and what not, but with out hard evidence or the experience, on an individual basis they become a case of he said, she said, but compiled together they can be a great source of evidence.

Hard evidence will remain supreme (if it's not a hoax that is), as for vids and pics, well, it's healthy to be skeptical, which doesn't mean dismissive.

Hope that made sense, I also have a habit of not entirely explaining myself entirely, so please don't take offense.

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