Monday, July 7, 2008

Nz Paranormal Episode 1

I just discovered a little gem located right in my backyard, they call themselves NZ Paranormal and they're a no profit paranormal investigation team headed by Brad Scott. What's got me excited is it looks like they're independently producing a T.V series that will air on Triangle Television a regional T.V network here in NZ. For me it'll be cool just to see some of the local haunts.

They have a preview episode on youtube that you can watch below. They're investigating a building located in Johnsonville, Wellington. Funny thing is I was there just 2 weeks ago.

I sure hope they keep up the candid style and steer clear of the Ghost Hunters/Most Haunted styling, those post ad break catch ups are really turning me off those shows, it's like 15 minutes flashy cuts, 15 minutes repeated info with 30 minutes of actual show time.

Anyway I'm looking forward to seeing what they get up to.

Watch previous episodes.

Nz Paranormal Episode 2
Nz Paranormal Episode 3
Nz Paranormal Episode 4


  1. Cheers for the write up mate, the idea on doing a self funded T.V. series was to show people around the world that New Zealand has so much to offer in this field, and yes I am keeping it as raw as I can make it. There will more posted in the next few months and hopefully be aired quite soon if everything goes to plan.
    We are always on the look out for great locations and the best part about doing this, is the great people you meet and the wonderful places that are located in New Zealand, This is a wonderful country, with so much cultra and history it just blows me away.
    So I hope people enjoy the what NZ Paranormal will bring as a candid look into paranormal investigation and what it really intales.
    Brad Scott
    Founder of NZ Paranormal.

  2. No probs Brad, great to see local investigators out and about and sharing it with us all.

    Certainly a lot of history and locations around Wellington, will be interesting to see where you guys head next.



  3. [...] Nz Paranormal Episode 1 Nz Paranormal Episode 2 Nz Paranormal Episode 3 [...]

  4. [...] Nz Paranormal Episode 1 Nz Paranormal Episode 3 Nz Paranormal Episode 4 [...]


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