Wednesday, May 6, 2009

UFO Video from Russia

I'd say this is remarkable UFO footage, but it looks just a little to good, looks like someone trying out their editing techniques.

Translated youtube Title and description using Babel Fish.

НЛО над ТЦ Каширский двор
[NLO] above TTs the Kashira court

6 апреля, около 9 вечера, над ТЦ Каширский двор, висела тарелка.
On April 6, about 9 in the evening, above TTs Kashira court, it hang plate.

Video found by way of Encounters with the Unexplained.


  1. seen this vid around at quite a few other sites. looks pretty good.

  2. Just a little more info about the video

    It looks good and all, but with the right software it would be easy to make, maybe 20 minutes worth of work, then some rendering time.

    On another note I should have checked the youtube links, found the back story.

  3. that might be a created image i've seen other pictures with a simular disc.


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