Tuesday, April 28, 2009

U.S.O, Unidentified Submerged Object Video

The video below shows what is supposed to be an Unidentified Submerged Object, a U.S.O, well I guess it is, it is unidentified. The object moves very quickly and deliberate and looks like a flat bubble.

I don't know what to make of it, it looks both real and C.G at the same time. Surely an underwater camera has better resolution than what we see in this youtube version, I want to see the original.


  1. [...] The video below shows what is supposed to be an Unidentified Submerged Object, a U.S.O, well I guess it is, it is unidentified. The object moves very quickly and deliberate and looks like a flat bubble.I don’t know what to make of it, it looks both real and C.G at the same time. Surely an underwater camera has better resolution than what we see in this youtube version, I want to see the original. UFO News… [...]

  2. Looks like it has flippers, so I would rule out fart bubble.

  3. Lol.

    Pretty odd looking fish, but that could be down to the quality of the video, I actually didn't notice it looking like a fish until you mentioned flippers GL.

  4. Lisa beat me to pointing out what it is. there needs to be a better quality video released to have anyone really judge. I agree with Bible UFO fella

  5. Hmm. That is a fairly interesting and entertaining video. I'm pretty sure it's a fish of some sort though :P.

  6. http://www.pezera.com/topic/76/unidentified-underwater-object

  7. fart bubble lol well i think it looks like a fish just going to fast to make it out properly

  8. whatis in the dark will shurley come to light

  9. they are not trying to hide anymore

  10. I know who they are and i know what they are doing

  11. Set your life more simple get the lowest-rate-loans.com and all you want.

  12. It appears to be the Snorks underwater craft.

  13. Tha'ts the crumb bum and hoe boe editing job of the day! Weak! That's the best you sensors will give us? What dosen't Big Brother want us to know?


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