Monday, March 30, 2009

UFOs Seen for 2 Weeks in the Catskill Mountains

What's good about these videos is that they were taken over a 2 week period and taken in different conditions, mainly night as well as day, over the Catskill Mountains.

As individual videos I probably wouldn't have posted about them, but as a collection I think it's a great example of what we don't get a lot of.

The night time videos show a light in the sky, there's a few times where we get some reference, The day time videos also show a light in the sky, one of which shows the object traveling behind some hills. For the most part they saw the object between 7 and 9 PM.

I'm wondering if it could be the moon though, but I'm also unsure if that would fit with the time frames.


  1. Not sure who filmed that but i live next to the catskill mountains and there either filming the moon or they did that some how cause this is an area if something like that happened, everyone would have told everyone and it would be a big deal lol so i highly doubt this is real, but the "Row row row your boat" song kinda gives it a freaking feel to it lol

  2. Yea I thought the moon to. Stick around here and you'll see all the high stakes foxes on the run. But when a stumpster comes along you'll be sure I'll post it.

    EDIT: Man, what was I drinking.

  3. These are my videos and no they are not the moon!!!! I actually saw this object again last night at 3:34 am and went out of view (behind mountain at around 3:54am). I will try and post some videos if I am up again at that time.

  4. I wish I knew where thise were taken-I lived in the Catskills for most of my life, and there are certain areas where UFO activity is quite prevalent. It doesn't cause a big hoopla anymore-it's more of "did you see that one last night?"


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