Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A closer look at the stick-figure alien videos

Mori of Forgetomori takes a close look at a couple of the recent alien videos to pop up, the Peruvian and the Fresno videos, as well as some old favorites.

I've got to admit that for a long time I thought the Ghost Crossing video was the best thing since boxed wine, mind you, back then everything I saw was amazing. Then I saw the Mexican Zoo video and it dawned on me what was going on, went and checked the Ghost Crossing video again and sure enough I realized what was happening.

The Peru video is very similar to the two above, but the Fresno footage is very different, could be real, if not, then it's probably a hoax of some kind.

Head over to Forgetomori to check out the latest two alien videos.


  1. I’ve got to admit that for a long time I thought the Ghost Crossing video was the best thing since boxed wine, mind you, back then everything I saw was amazing. Then I saw the Mexican Zoo video and it dawned on me what was going on, went and checked the Ghost Crossing video again and sure enough I realized what was happening.

    "excellent Article On Mexican Zoo"

  2. I saw the Ghost Crossing video once.
    But if you now put both of the videos next to each other then you can see very well that it's the same!
    Freaky but nice as well for some reason!

  3. I'd have to say the Ghost Crossing video was a big factor in my starting to blog about the paranormal, thought it was great until I knew what was really going on.

    Lol, now I think I'm turning into a jaded old skeptic.

  4. isn't the Ghost Crossing video a waterdrop on the car's window?


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