Thursday, January 1, 2009

Testing out my camera on a Tree Weta

I think this is a tree Weta, a big as insect only found in New Zealand, this is the biggest one I've seen, just a little longer than my middle finger, but the giant Cave Weta should dwarf this gal, pretty sure this is a female to.

I was out on my deck with my new camera, saw it and filmed it. Converting the resulting High-def video file to something youtube could use was a pain in the behind, but I think it came out o.k.

You can also watch the video in HD by heading over to youtube.


  1. Yaz sezonun gelmesiyle beraber bilinir ki oto kiralama'da büyük bir yoğunluk soz konusu olmuştur. Ankara'da oto kiralama hizmeti veren bir firma olan alper oto kiralama ankarada en iyi oto kiralama hizmeti veren firmalaradan biri olarak müşterilerini bu sezonda'da yanlız birakmayarak gerekli tedbirleri almış ve araç filosunu genişletmiştir.


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