Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 was actually a pretty eventful year

Hey folks, so I thought about putting a paranormal top 10 list together for 2008, the only problem is that I haven't contributed nearly enough to warrant one, so I thought I'd share a few of the tops of 2008 that I have found along the way.

I'll start with Atrueoriginall's massive 2008 The Year in Review, this is a beautifully put together list of most of the major stories of 2008 regarding UFOS. It's listed by month and every link is thumbnailed for easy navigation, it's amazing just to see how much I missed, I'm gonna have a great time catching up. Cheers for all the hard work and great content Atrueoriginall.

Who Forted? have a list of their Top 10 Favorite Headlines of 2008. It's an excellent read and I was a little surprised at number 1 and 2 on their list.

Here's Loren Coleman's Top Ten Evil Clown Stories of 2008 . Among all the tops of 2008 headlines I saw in my feed reader, this one stood out the most, I really wouldn't have thought there were so many evil clown stories floating about and after reading the list, these clowns are truly evil. has a great list of the top paranormal events of 2008. Quite a few in there I hadn't heard about.

I hadn't realized 2008 was such an eventful year, makes me want to step up my game.

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