Friday, December 12, 2008

UFO Video, Prescott, Arizona

Here's an oldish UFO video, filmed in Prescott, Arizona. It doesn't seem to have gained any popularity, but it's actually kind of pretty.

It seems high, it seems far away I'm just wondering if it's one of these (a bunch of lights hung from a helicopter) or maybe some cool editing trick.


  1. [...] Here’s an oldish UFO video, filmed in Prescott, Arizona. It doesn’t seem to have gained any popularity, but it’s actually kind of pretty. It seems. UFO News… [...]

  2. its like a model plane but its oval shaped with lights on it and a red light in the back to keep track of it when its far out and red shows up best

    i took a vid too

    for the basic model the guy makes these starting at $400

  3. True it does, just getting to a point where nothing I find online looks real or substantial enough to post, so I'm going for pretty, cool, strange videos.

    Cheers for the comment.


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