Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Interesting UFO video from Mexico

As it stands there is an abundance of UFO videos, it's why I post so many of them, but lately I feel I'm repeating myself a lot, sure I've come across some interesting ones, but I always come to the same conclusion, lanterns and balloons.

I thought the video below was pretty amazing when I first saw it, but after a few more viewings and watching as the lights disappeared over a rooftop it just felt the right size for a lantern, a little more snooping around and I found the guys over at Above Top Secret had come up with some interesting evidence debunking this video.

Not sure if I'll be posting to many more night time UFO videos, there's to much hidden and to much left to the imagination. you would think day time UFO videos would be a hell of a lot better, but judging by the videos I've seen it seems like what you'd make up in quality gets lost in the distance.

Then again, I'm skimped for ghost videos and especially bigfoot videos.


  1. I am an absolute believer in UFOs but this video is a little shaky to make me feel more confident about that.

  2. I haven't seen much to make me feel that confident either.

  3. Wow! I'm not sure what to think. Mexico is known for their UFO's and Mexico has publicly shown that they too agree that UFO's exist. I'm curious to see if anything develops within my lifetime. Imagine that..


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