Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Penn and Teller on NASA

The videos below are a show called Bullshit which is hosted by Penn and Teller, they cover all kinds of topics and this one just happens to be about NASA. Sometimes they go a little overboard and from a half an hour show you can't expect them to cover everything, but I thought there were some interesting topics bought forward in this, especially the bureaucracy of NASA and the issues surrounding a maned mission to Mars.


  1. I'm not sure, but I kind of felt that they lacked a certain "edge" when criticising NASA as it, as they say, is one of their favorites. I think they go after stuff much more harshly when it comes to other topics.

    I completely agree that they at the halfpoint of a show (at the very latest) have a tendency to make points that sound better than they really are.

  2. Cheers for the comment. I used to watch the show a lot, but they went on a rampage with one topic, can't remember which, that got me worked up, it was just a little over the top. I got over it though.

    Man I'm rusty with the typing.

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