Tuesday, September 2, 2008

"Sky Squid" over at The Gralien Report

Saw this over at The Gralien Report and I liked what they had to say about it, better than what I had to say for sure.

It's just that video from the Discovery Channel crew of a UFO that strikingly resembles a cluster of balloons, every ones talking about, so thought I should share it.

I also enjoyed Micah's post about Theoretical Ufology, cool concept, makes watching blurry videos of lights in the sky a more compelling prospect.


  1. Hi Rand,

    Micah Hanks here from the Gralien Report... thanks for linking to my post, as well as the kind words! The thing in the video is most likely a cluster of mylar balloons...in fact, most folks are 99% certain of this (including me). I initially noted things about it that were uncharacteristic of typical balloon behavior (keep in mind my fellow researcher Joshua P. Warren hosts an open-to-the-public UFO event each year where contestants can "fake" their UFOs, and together we've watched a LOT of balloons over the years, lol)!

    Some people really liked that angle, and lended their own unique perspectives, like my friend Wm Michael Mott. Others took my dubbing the thing a "Sky Squid" way too seriously, and have made unbelievable comments about my mental state (lol). Hey, that's life. But that also brings us to the "Theoretical Ufology" angle (where I have to give a hat-tip to author Mac Tonnies for creating the idea; I was actually trying to talk him up in that post). Scientists can speculate about alien life, whether or not it exists. Why is it that if I run a UFO blog (that may indeed be a little sarcastic at times, using terms like "Sky Squid"), I'm not allowed to speculate the same way? How come guys like you and I get labled "crazy", and yet Michio Kaku (for whom I have profound respect) can theorize about alien civilizations using nanotechnology to create robots that self-replicate as they autonomously populate the universe, transforming planetary moons into observation stations to monitor life throughout the galaxy... and they call him "a brilliant mind"? If that's the difference having a Ph.D. makes, then I'm enrolling today!

    Great posts Rand... I'll be enjoying looking at the rest of your site!

    -Micah A. Hanks
    The Gralien Report

  2. No problem Micah, thanks for stopping by. I've been reading about "Theoretical Ufology" from Mac Tonnie's Seti posts I think, love his stuff, actually need to buy his books.

    I've just started reading your blog and I've really been enjoying it, some great ideas you've got.

    I guess there's still a stigma attached to the interwebs, the idea that anything that comes from it must be whacky and must be resisted the first chance you get, that and supposedly the majority of us skim read everything we read on the net.

    It's probably why I don't post what ideas I do have, for fear of being ripped to shreds, but it's my feeling that there's no hard and fast rules when it comes to talking about aliens, ghosts and what not, anythings possible.

    These brilliant minds I feel have built themselves an outlet, they know how to get their points across, but I can't help feeling that most of us have brilliant thoughts, we just don't share them.

    Who knows, maybe even Paris Hilton's had a thought or two that could have revolutionized the way we see the universe.

    Anyway, nice to meet ya, check ya later,


  3. Looks like a wad of balloons. Mystery solved. I'll bill you later.


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