About a week ago I went and bought myself a brand new Sony PSP Slim and Lite, bought entirely with money I've earned online, I've also bought a computer and a camera this way.
My motivation for this purchase, well everyone I know seems to have gadgets filled with their digital lives, I wanted to be part of that and I originally wanted one of those new Apple Iphone 3Gs, but once I saw the monthly plans (about $250 a month with an extremely subsidized Iphone) on offer I immediately thought screw that and began thinking about an alternative. The PSP came to mind, it has a big screen like I wanted, it plays games, videos, photos and music and it also has Wifi so I can connect to the net on the go.
So it doesn't have a phone, but I've already got one of those, prepay, $10 for 2000 text messages a month, I don't need minutes I never use my phone to make calls, crazy that.
Hmm, I feel a brief guide coming on.
Buying the PSP - I got the basic package which includes the PSP, the battery and charger cables. There seems to be loads more packages available in other countries that include what you really need to get the most out of the PSP.
What I also needed to buy - I needed to buy a memory stick, without it you won't be able to save games or play movies, music, photos on your PSP, a memory stick is a must for a PSP, I got the 4gig memory stick pro duo. I also bought a couple games, "God of War: Chains of Olympus" and "Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core."
What I also needed - To get that music, movies and photos on my PSP I needed a USB cable, lucky enough before buying one I thought I'd try the one that came with my digital camera and whaddya know, works like a charm. I don't have a wireless set-up at home, so that could be another option, but from what I've read it's a little complicated.
What have I been doing with my PSP - Well first off, I've been playing games, nuff said. I've also been filling it up with photos, videos and music using my USB cable and PC, though this isn't actually as simple as it sounds.
First you need to format your memory stick on your psp, this will set-up a folder structure, here's an example of what it should look like. As you can see there's two music folders and two picture photos, right now I don't know why that is, but for my photos and music I'm using the folders located under PSP.
Videos are the iffy part, they have to be a certain file type, either mp4 or AVC, so you need software to convert video files to the compatible types. I've also read they need to be named a certain way, but I haven't found that to be the case.
What I've been using for videos - I've been using a program called PSP Video Converter (PSPVC), which converts video files to the right type and then sends it to my PSP, works like a charm, PSPVC has a few other options that I won't go into here, lets just say that if you like a video on youtube or any number of video sharing sites you can also enjoy them on your PSP. I've also been searching "Google Video," most of the videos on there have download options and PSP is one of them, it's video overload. And lastly I've been downloading game demos from the Playstation Store.
That's as far as I've gotten with my PSP, I'm loving it, but my hands are feeling a little cramped.
[...] Original Rand [...]