Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A collection of E.V.Ps

Here's a collection of E.V.P and there's a few good ones in there. There's also a lot of great ones from other sources out there, some very mind blowing, I'll have locate them and post them.

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  1. Yikes, the "help me" stuff just about gave me the complete and total creeps!! It's hard, when you hear compilations like that, to be able to give any single EVP any credence. So many of them sound like clips the t.v. or radio, just totally incoherent. But that part was chilling. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Cool, yea it is hard with compilations, no info and what not. EVPS though just creep the hell outta me, more so than videos.

    I've only just gotten into them, never really though to highly of EVPs in the past, mainly due to not actually hearing any good ones, but lately I've heard some good ones that I need to get around to posting.

    Cheers for the comment Kim.


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