Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Please Join my Cult

I've been propositioned in the middle of the street with promises of life changing experiences more than a few times, from all sorts of groups, I usually stick with them and hear them out, I'm to polite for my own good.

When you indulge more than a few of these people you see patterns, not unlike what's presented in the video below. My favorites are the "Q and A" peeps and the "read ya like a bookers."

The "Q and As" ask ya questions they feel you couldn't possibly know the answers to, only problem is they're reading from a very ambiguous answer book and the "read yas" well they're actually pretty amazing until you realize if you feed them they'll feed your ego.

Anyway, please join my cult.


  1. Hello i really want to join your cult,please can you accept me as a member in your cult.thanks and contact me via my email..

  2. Cheers for your interest, though alas I am no cult leader, if I were, the only rules would be to be good to people and to take the time to think, think for yourself and respect what others think as it will give yourself more to think about.

    I'd be a terrible cult leader.

    Cheers Dema.


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